Necklift vs. Facelift Surgery

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One of the most common and one of the least considered factors that contribute to the appearance of facial aging is weight loss. Patients who lose a significant amount of weight often have an increase in the appearance of facial aging. The decrease of fat in the facial contours can cause the appearance of facial wrinkles to become much more prominent. Another factor that contributes to the appearance of facial aging is loose, sagging skin. Loose, sagging skin in the neck region can give the appearance of a double chin or of a “turkey” or “wattle” neck. For men and women in their forties or above, sagging skin and muscles in the neck are quite common. Bergen County plastic surgery patients who are bothered by the appearance of facial aging may benefit from necklift or facelift surgery. To achieve more comprehensive results, necklift and facelift surgery may be combined.

Necklift vs. Facelift Surgery
Necklift surgery and facelift surgery are two surgical procedures used to improve the visible signs of facial aging. Necklift surgery and facelift surgery each have their own advantages and disadvantages to consider. The most important factors when considering whether necklift surgery or facelift surgery is the best treatment for facial aging are your own unique needs and goals.

Necklift Surgery
The neck is one of the first places to show signs of aging. Excess fat and skin and weakened muscles of the neck can cause a person to appear older than he or she actually is. Through necklift surgery, the neck can once again have a taut, youthful appearance. Patients considering necklift surgery must be in good health. The necklift surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis. Procedures that make up necklift surgery may include liposuction, cervicoplasty, and platysmaplasty.

Liposuction may be used to remove excess fatty tissue from the neck region. During liposuction, an incision is made below the chin through which a small cannula is inserted to suction out this excess fat. If liposuction is required as part of necklift surgery, it will be performed first.

Cervicoplasty is a procedure in which excess skin is removed from the neck. During cervicoplasty, an incision is made behind the ears, under the chin, or behind the ears and under the chin. The skin is lifted, and the excess skin is removed; then, the facial skin is sutured or glued back into place.

Platysmaplasty is a procedure that addresses the appearance of “turkey wattle” neck. Incisions are made under the chin, behind the ears, or under the chin and behind the ears. To tighten the neck area, specific neck muscles may be removed or realigned. Permanent sutures may be used to hold the neck tissues in place.

For our patients in Bergen County, necklift surgery offers a way to lift the neck and to improve the contour of the jawline.

Facelift Surgery
Displaced fat, loss of muscle tone, sagging skin, wrinkles, and deep creases are common signs of facial aging. These and other signs of facial aging may be improved through facelift surgery. During facelift surgery, incisions are made behind the ears. This ensures that any scarring that may result from surgery can be hidden. During facelift surgery, fat may be sculpted or redistributed from the face and jowls, the facial muscles and deep layers of the face are lifted, and the underlying facial tissues may be repositioned. The skin is re-draped, and any excess skin is removed; then, the skin is sutured into place.

Our Bergen County facial plastic surgery patients undergoing facelift surgery may also benefit from necklift surgery and brow lift surgery.

Schedule a Consultation at Bergen Plastic Surgery Today
To learn more about necklift surgery and facelift surgery, please contact Bergen County plastic surgeon Tzvi Small, M.D., F.A.C.S. today.